I've been waiting for the colder temps and snow to get here, and for about a week it was amazing. It's back to normal now; no more snow, a bit of rain and wind, sunshine only at rare moments. I've taken the art of layering to new extremes, as my non-Dutch blood is used to Los Angeles and Florida weather.
I'm working on a script that is also rather dark and set in the winter months, with the weather cooperating nicely to set the mood for writing. Inside is so much cozier now! I took a walk, though, to take a break, get some much-needed exercise and snap a couple photos of the iced-over canals.
This was taken right at the beginning, before the snow was deep.
There was quite a bit more snow later, with temperatures down around -15 here.
We have a new bird in the yard, a Merel, who has learned how to dig out the frozen apple pieces and will eat the inside, but not the skin. He's rather a picky eater.
On the way to the grocery, by foot. There were other people riding bicycles, but I didn't dare.
They do clear a lot of the major roads and public areas - this is the train station near me - but it's slippery.
A little boy was pulling along a snowman on a sled. The snowman's floppy hat had just blown off. Lots of parents pull their kids along on sleds when it snows, as it's easier than bicycling. I also saw a grandpa in a motorized chair pulling along three kids on a sled behind him. Unfortunately they went by so fast (must have been a souped-up, customized wheelchair scooter) I missed getting a photo.
The main canal near my house.
Lots of people have dogs here, and they all seem to love playing on the ice.
The front door of one of the windmills.
I live just a short walk from here, how cool is that?
To me, even a shed looks interesting here.
My favorite - sheep!
I'm hoping that everyone else enjoyed a little break from daily life too. And now back to it!