Friday, April 22, 2011

Germany Motorbike Trip

It's that time of year, the warm weather is here, and the biking season has begun.  Boele's Place has moved from Belgium to Heimborn, Germany - so that's where we headed last weekend.  Most of the photos I took from the back of the bike, so they are perhaps a bit blurry.  Riding on the autobahn is kinda scary, but I must say that the German people drive very well.  I actually felt safer there on the highway than I do here, surprisingly.

We're still in the Netherlands here, getting ready for the long ride ahead.  A bit chilly, and not a lot of sun - but no rain.  In all that protective clothing, I'm glad when it's a bit colder rather than warmer.

I like this photo.  It's our bike, not fancy, not a ratbike.  A few dents and dings.  Older.  Kinda like me!

Who doesn't know by now that I gained a bit of weight this past winter?  I was enjoying all sorts of delicious Dutch food, as often as possible.  Unfortunately, I am now on a diet, as leather pants are very expensive and the pair I have doesn't stretch at all.  I'm not sure I look that cute with a little buddah belly anyhow.

  The photo above and the rest below are all taken in Germany.  I took a couple photos that have place signs in them, but other than that I'm not sure where exactly each is, and they are not in order. 

This is a road through a small town.  Most of the places we saw are huge fields or forest land dotted with villages.  A few of these towns had traffic lights, most did not.  Lots of hills, twists and turns - great for motorcycling!

My camera cannot capture the view as nicely as I was able to see it.  What looks like grey trees in the landscape should actually be white flower-covered trees.  It's so much prettier in person.

You can click on any of these photos to view a larger image.  The best part of traveling by bike is that you can smell all the flowers blooming, the new grass, freshly tilled earth and clean, crisp air.

There are solar panels covering the house and barn in the background, and there are windmills everywhere.  Not like the older ones in the Netherlands, but the huge ones that look like airplane propellers.

Here we are somewhere in Germany...

Just passing by.

I'm not sure why there are so many caves around here - some are open, some are boarded up or bricked up.  We passed a mining car memorial, but I didn't have a chance to stop and see it.

The pine forests smell wonderful too.

Not quite as flat as the Netherlands.

My helmet, rear view.

I thought this was a cool looking house.

An old barn

Older electric tower thingie.

I couldn't decide whether this was a spooky or pretty house.

We stopped in a few larger places too - you know McDonald's.

I took this picture as I can read (understand) their slogan - Alles unter einem Dach.  It's so close to Dutch that I can read a lot of German now without a problem.  Pronunciation in either language though still escapes me.

Like many homes in the Netherlands, there are quite a few buildings here with really great details.

Sometimes you have to look closely, and then you get to see some interesting things.

Cool building.

And the best for last...
"Ich bin ein Berliner."

Oh wait, no I'm not. "Ich bin ein Amerikaner."

That's it for now.  I hope you enjoyed!